Sunday, November 1, 2009

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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thursday Feb 5,2009

I am sorry I had a replase and am doing better but not better enough to go and do things out of the house. I can not even sit at the computer longer then 2 mins at at time. I hope everyone is doing good.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tuesday 3, 2009

I had a few things to do today and was able to talk to some people and get thier information. I was surprise to see how many people I had spoken to in just the hour I was there at the hosptial.
I am trying to stay on top of things but is still some what hard. I just purchsed the lead system. So I sent out some emails and will give them a call tomorrow if I can. I hope everyone is doing good.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday Feb 2, 2009

I haven't been able to get out because of being sick. I am doing better but it will take me a while to get better. I have sent some emails out but really can't sit to long at the computer. I hope life is good for everyone.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday Jan 26, 2009

Well I am not feeling good at all. I still had to take Billy to his Doctors, so I was able to get my five. I tried very hard not to look or act sick so the contacts would not know. I how ever did not do any thing else. When we got home I went to bed. After I am done with this blog I am going back to bed. I hope everyone has a great evening.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday Jan 23, 2009

well it is the week end again. the weeks are going so fast. Well I wasn't able to get in contact with either the zoo or the human society, I will try again on Monday. I did get my five. Not much else to report. have a great eveing and weekend.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thrusday Jan 22, 2009

Good evening everyone. Let me tell you some thing before I go into my day. I have a neighbor who is a drunk but he ended up in the hospital around Christmas time and had a couple of heart attacks before this. So now he has no friends due this because he is a very mean drunk at least to most. So I have taken him under my wing to help him out when he is not drinking. so now I do consider my self is friend. I make sure he has food and if he needs something i try to help him get it. So now my day. I again got my contacts. I took a friend to her Dentist and while I was waiting I got two of them. Then I was asked to take my other friend to the Post Office. While I was outside waiting for him, I got two more of my contacts. Then he needed to go food shopping so I went in with him and got my fifth one. It was very slow there. Almost like a ghost town. I did get my son Daniel signed up since he is in Iraq, this is his third term there. I hope he can has fun with it. I will say good night.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wedensday Jan 21, 2009

Well again I made my five and two more at Billy's Doctor's and now he has a new thing to go to thirft stores after his appointment. so of course because it was so cold out today, it was 38% when we woke up and 50% when we got home, yes I know it isn't below 0 here but we get cold since we are used to 75 % and above lol. So there was alot of people out in the thift stores so it was easier to get 7 instead of just my five. I was up until 6:30 this morning doing my emails to my older contacts. I looked at the clock at 4 am and I said about 30 more minutes and the next thing I knew it was 6:30 am. Every one have a great night.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tuesday Jan 20, 2009

Well today I did get my 5 at my doctors office, there were a lot of women who were pregnant. I brought the mall up to them and the five I got thier name, email and numbers, I am going to call them back tomorrow night. I didnt do any follow ups due to didn't get home untill 7:30 pm. will do some after this call. have a good evening.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday January 19, 2009

I did get my five and 2 more. I was at the doctor office again. I didnt get a early start but it seems not to matter because I can get my contacts no matter what. I do want to say that I havent been working the non-profits because I am very new at this and I have always wanted to help others. So my goal for this week is to start getting myself ready and go out and help these non profits in my city. I am scared as ____ but I k now I can do it. I didnt do any follow ups today but will tomorrow. Everyone have a good night.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday Jan 16, 2009

Took Billy to the doctor and he is doing real good. I got my five with no trouble. then I called back the people I called last night and the one lady was not at home and they were having a party with a lot of young kids in the back ground so her husband said she will call me when she gets home. the other lady I was suppose to call back, she told me she would call me on Monday or Tuesday due to she was moving due to she is going to live with her mom to help her out. So it was a bust tonight but I called some others and I got no answers or left messages. I still have the lady to call tomorrow morning at 11 am to call. Everyone have a good weekend.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thursday Jan 15,2009

Well I got my five and after dinner I have follow up calls to do tonight. It is so easy for me to get the five contacts and it seems I don't say the same thing every time. I did what Jackie said to do with the sign that I am working with so I gave it back to her and told her that I want her to sign up her sister and daughter so I don't Hinder her in building her business and she said that would be ok. well good night everyone. I did do two sign ups today but that is because I did it for my two grand daughters for thier collage fund.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wedensday Jan 14, 2009

Well I did get my five at two different thrift stores and they all were real easy. I also asked if I could call them back tomorrow and they said sure except two of them asked if I could call them on Friday and one said to call her on Saturday. So I asked what time would be good for them and
they all gave me different times. So I will have a lot to do in the next couple of days with the follow ups. Today I didn't do follow ups due to taken Billy to the doctors. I ended up with a real bad head ache so when I got home took some Advil and took a nap and it still didn't go away but I am working on it. Everyone have a great night.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tuesday Jan 13,2009

Well I think this morning call was a very good call. I got my five but it sure wasn't easy today because I had no where to go so I had to figure out where I was going I went to the laundry mat and found three of them and it was real hard because most spoke spanish and thought I was just crazy trying to talk to them. so the first one was the lady working behind the counter. The a lady with two kids running around and not listening to mom so I brought them a bag of chips if they would sit down so I could talk to their mom, and they agreed and did it. The third lady was pretty easy since she was watching me hit up the other two. Then I went to the dollar general and asked my friend who I have known a couple of years. and she said she will. So now I only needed one more and It wasn't looking good. so I had to go and get trash bags so I went down the idle to get them and there was a lady and I told her about it and she said I don't shop online and I said well if you don't think shopping online and make money won't help you that's okay and she said what do you mean, so I explained it to her again and she said well let me check it out but I am not going to commit to it and I said great. So this made my five and I was done for the day. I did do some follow up calls but got no results. I hope everyone have a great night.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday January 12, 2009

Well I got my five and I did my follow ups today and got alot of no answers or left a message. I also sent out my New years letters to all my email contacts. I also up dated my advertizing sites that I have signed up with for free. I also took Billy to the doctor and before we even got started today as I got into the car I decieced to spill my glass of grape juice all in my car and me. So I really thought today was going to be a bad day but it really did turn out to be a good day and I got alot of things done. It also went very fast. Have a great evening everyone.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Friday January 9, 2009

Good evening everyone. I am sorry to hear about Lisa's dad and his passing. I hope Lisa is doing ok and she will be in my prays. I got 6 names and nothing really exciting to tell. Just talked to the 6 people and they said yes no problem. Everyone have a good weekend.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thursday Jan 8,2009

I did my five contacts and 1 more so a total of 6 and I think there is a good change of at least one signing up. She was very excited about it. The doctors went great with Billy. Not much else to report. Have a great evening.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Well I was able to get 8 names and numbers and so far this week 2 sign ups. The one I get last night I had been working on since we started the boot camp. She has had alot of trouble but she is getting thur it and I became her friend first even tho I got her name from my triple you list site. well I will talk to you at 8 pm since I was so tried I slept thur the 11 am call. I have a real big day tomorrow because Billy has an appointment at 8 am and one at 3 pm so he is keeping me busy alone with the Business. Have a great day and evening.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

January 5, 2009

Good evening everyone. I did get my five even tho i was real busy taken care of Billy today. Had a lot of running around for him and hit up everyone I could. I don't have any great story to report. Have a great day.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Jannuary 5, 2009

Well I had a great Christmas and a good New Year. I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I have gotten all my contacts thru the last two weeks and asked if I can call them on the 11 of January since it is a Sunday and most people don't have to work and they should have had lots of time to check it out. I will not be able to make the 11 am call tomorrow but will make the one at 8 pm tomorrow.I have to take Billy to get the incision so he don't get any infection. I did get a business starter mall sign up today. Everyone have a great night.